In Seabrook, NH, Compass of Hope Counseling provides professional and personalized mental health services. Our experienced therapists are dedicated to supporting our community with compassionate care, helping individuals face challenges like anxiety, depression, and more. With our understanding of the local context, we bridge the gap to accessing quality mental health care in New Hampshire.
Residents of Seabrook and surrounding neighborhoods can find solace and growth through our diverse range of counseling services, each designed to cater to the specific mental health needs of our clients.
Individual therapy to foster self-discovery and address personal challenges.
Family counseling aimed at improving communication and harmony at home.
Counseling for substance use disorders, including court-ordered evaluations.
Couples therapy to nurture relationships and encourage meaningful connections.
Youth counseling services to guide young people through complex life transitions.
Trauma-informed care that supports healing and empowers resilience.
Access to psychiatric nursing for medication management and consultation.
Your path to mental health and well-being is just one step away. Contact Compass of Hope Counseling in Seabrook, NH to schedule your session. Our therapists are here to offer guidance, expertise, and care tailored to your story. Trust in our dedicated and professional team to accompany you on your journey towards a more fulfilled life. We are ready to listen, ready to help, and ready to welcome you into our community of healing and growth.
Billing: Extension 4,
Hooksett Office: 11 Kimball Drive Suite 104-105 Hooksett, NH 03106
(603) 824-3555 -
Extension 1
Hampton Office: 433-435 Lafayette Road Hampton, NH 03842
(603) 824-3555 -
Extension 2
Concord Office: 64 North State Street Concord, NH 03301
(603) 824-3555 -
Extension 3